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In recent years, robotization and digitalization have become the main trends in warehouse management. The emergence of new technologies in the supply chain has simplified information flows, making logistics operations more agile, secure, and reliable.

In a scenario with multiple disruptions, the supply chain demands solutions that increase resilience to the challenges presented by Logistics 4.0.

Three storage management tendencies

  1. Operational cloud management

When implementing a warehouse management system, more and more companies are turning to software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology, a cloud-based approach that provides greater flexibility in organizing logistics operations. With a warehouse management program in the cloud, users can access the application from any computer or terminal that has internet access.

Software as a service is an option that reduces the initial investment since the company does not have to allocate resources to hardware or equipment maintenance. In addition, the SaaS modality facilitates scalability because the client has a variable number of licenses that can be increased or decreased depending on the particularities of the market or the seasonality of the products.

Another advantage of installing software in the cloud is that the company does not require its own IT team to maintain and secure the system. The software provider is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the system.

  1. Warehouse robotization

The introduction of automated systems in logistics is a growing trend. Companies are incorporating robotic solutions that improve merchandise management because they need to gain agility and precision in operations such as picking, product storage, or order dispatch.

Warehousing is one of the tasks that can be automated due to the efficiency of solutions such as stacker cranes, handling equipment that automatically extracts and deposits goods in their locations.

The automation of goods movements in the warehouse is also another present and future trend. There is a wide range of solutions on the market that adapt to all kinds of demands and needs, from conveyors that connect different areas of the warehouse to autonomous robots that use artificial intelligence to learn to navigate and transport goods autonomously.

  1. Logistics decisions based on big data.

Warehousing technologies generate an infinite amount of data that, once structured, provide useful information to improve decision-making. The use of big data in logistics makes it possible to implement strategies based on warehouse performance.

The most advanced programs collect and analyze all kinds of data sources, such as consumer demand, the activity of transport fleets in the shipment of orders, or goods flows to detect improvement opportunities in the facility.

Advanced programs are available on the market that use data to analyze logistics processes to cut operating costs, achieve more productive warehousing strategies, and achieve more efficient order picking.

How to apply these technologies in my company?
And one company at the forefront of technology is Xborder. If you wish to implement solutions of this type, simply visit www.xborder.co, and we’ll gladly assist you. Xborder provides all the necessary tools for your e-commerce to cross borders, ranging from import and export logistics, legal procedures, customer service, and technological tools that improve online quality. With over ten years of experience, we’ll greatly improve your business operations.


Daniel Martínez

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