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Development Logistics
import and export to mexico

Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America and is amongst the 15 largest countries in the world, which makes it a potential market with many opportunities. It is also located in a strategic geographical position since it is very close to the United States and has a nexus with the rest of Latin America. Below, we will talk about the reasons why you should invest in Mexico. 

First, you should know which products have a high-market demand, so you can consider if it applies to your particular niche and, therefore, if it’s a good investment opportunity. Mexico buys technology from other countries, but also a variety of other items. The main ones are: machinery and electrical equipment, mechanical devices, boilers, vehicles, automobile parts, optical and photographic instruments, mineral fuels, plastic and its manufactures, iron, and steel, and alcoholic beverages. 

  1. Treaties and trade agreements

Mexico has 12 Free Trade Agreements signed with 46 countries; 32 agreements for the promotion and protection of investments with 33 countries, in addition to a series of agreements in which it is an active member. These treaties and agreements allow Mexico to have a strong connection with the rest of the countries that participate in them, meaning better business opportunities. 

  1. Good infrastructure and modernization 

Mexico is one of the countries with the best infrastructure for the implementation of new technologies, in addition to the fact that it is constantly changing and adopting measures to modernize its most important cities. 

  1. Acceptance of foreign investment

As we mentioned before, Mexico has an excellent geographical position which allows the development of all types of industries at a competitive price. Also, there’s relative economic stability, compared to the rest of the countries in Latin America. This country accepts foreign investment and encourages policies that promote new businesses. 

The communication channels in this country are open and do not have many restrictions for the entry or exit of goods. However, it is necessary to be familiar with the Mexican laws and regulations and hire a customs broker to facilitate the exporting and importing processes. 

  1. Varied transports 

The merchandise that arrives at Mexico enters through different transport routes since the country has an excellent climate and geography that allows fast transportation, regardless if it’s by land, sea, or air. 

Expand your market to Latin America and increase your e-commerce sales

Opening the doors to trade in Latin America is a big step for e-commerce. To help you in the process is Xborder, an international trade solutions provider with more than 10 years of experience. 

Xborder offers a series of services that give all the necessary tools to your e-commerce to cross borders. The services offered by Xborder range from import and export logistics, legal procedures, customer service, and technological tools that improve the quality of your online store. 

To learn more about all the services offered by this leader in international trade, visit www.xborder.co


Daniel Martínez

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